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    Non-point source inorganic pollution was modelled with global 1 km2 impervious surface area data ( under the assumption that most of this pollution comes from urban runoff. These data will not capture point-sources of pollution or nonpoint sources where paved roads do not exist (e.g., select places in developing countries). These values were then aggregated to the watershed and distributed to the pour point (i.e., stream and river mouths) for the watershed with raster statistics (i.e., aggregation by watershed). Finally, spread of the driver values into coastal waters at each pour point was modelled with a cost-path surface on the basis of a decay function that assigns a fixed amount of the driver (0.5% of the value in the previous cell) in the initial cell and then evenly distributes the remaining amount of driver in all adjacent and ‘unvisited’ cells, repeated until a minimum threshold (0.05% of global maximum) is reached. This approach to modelling river plumes is diffusive and so allows drivers to wrap around headlands and islands. Raw stressor data from "Benjamin Halpern, Melanie Frazier, John Potapenko, Kenneth Casey, Kellee Koenig, et al. 2015. Cumulative human impacts: raw stressor data (2008 and 2013). Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity. doi:10.5063/F1S180FS."

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    This is the cumulative human impact based on raw stressors for the year 2013 (Halpern et al. 2015. Spatial and temporal changes in cumulative human impacts on the world's ocean.). The cumulative human impact for the year 2013 is the sum of all normalized stressor data adjusted for habitat/pressure vulnerability. List of stressor data: artisanal_fishing, demersal_destructive_fishing, demersal_nondest_high_bycatch, demersal_nondest_low_bycatch, inorganic, invasives, night_lights, ocean_acidification, ocean_pollution, oil_rigs, pelagic_high_bycatch, pelagic_low_bycatch, plumes_fert, plumes_pest, population, shipping, slr, sst, uv. Cumulative human impact from "Benjamin Halpern, Melanie Frazier, John Potapenko, Kenneth Casey, Kellee Koenig, et al. 2015. Cumulative human impacts: pressure and cumulative impacts data (2013, all pressures). Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity. doi:10.5063/F15718ZN."