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Indicator based upon the Land-Use Harmonization 2 (LUH2) gridded global land use maps produced by advanced Earth System Models (ESM) which model the combined pressures of land use conversion and fossil fuel emissions on the carbon-climate system (Hurtt et al. in prep). The pressure data is derived from the History Database of the Global Environment (HYDE). Primary vegetation is defined as natural vegetation (either forest or non-forest) that has never been impacted by human activities (e.g. agriculture or wood harvesting) since the start of the time series (850). However, such areas may be indirectly impacted by humans, for instance, through hunting, pollution or the introduction of invasive alien species. They still represent modelled estimates, and the uncertainty associated with the land use present within each particular grid cell increases as we step back in time through the series.
EcoDRR global classification scheme based on spatial combination of ecosystem coverage and natural hazard physical exposure. The ecosystem data-set contains area percentage of each considered ecosystem in a 100 square kilometer cell. For a specific ecosystem, a 0.01 degree resolution raster of coverage real area is generated. In the case of forest coverage, the classification of the source datasets was grouped in three classes: woodland, open forest and closed forest. The quality of ecosystem in a 100 km2 grid cell is expressed as its area percentage, considering only cell land area for forest ecosystem. Sources: This dataset describes the current status of land areas that could potentially be forested according to climate (includes forest, open forest, woodlands). Intact forests and Fragmented/managed forests were not considered to need restoration. Potential forest lands that are currently non-forest were assumed to be deforested. Forest lands with significantly reduced canopy coverage were considered to be partially deforested (for example, potential closed forest with canopy coverage less than 45%). Both deforested and partially deforested lands considered to be restoration opportunity areas. Credit: Peter Potapov, Lars Laestadius, and Susan Minnemeyer. 2011. Global map of forest cover and condition. World Resources Institute: Washington, DC. Online at www.wri.org/forest-restoration-atlas.
Pesticides were used as a proxy measure for organic pollution. Input data are from FAO statistics published in the time period 2003-2006. Missing pesticide values were filled using a linear regression model of pesticides as a function of fertilizers (gaps: N=69; regression: R2 = 0.72) when fertilizer data were available or agricultural GDP (gaps: N=22; regression: R2 = 0.82) when not. These country-level average pesticides values were then dasymetrically distributed over a country’s landscape using global land cover data from 2005. Finally, spread of the driver values into coastal waters at each pour point was modelled with a cost-path surface on the basis of a decay function that assigns a fixed amount of the driver (0.5% of the value in the previous cell) in the initial cell and then evenly distributes the remaining amount of driver in all adjacent and ‘unvisited’ cells, repeated until a minimum threshold (0.05% of global maximum) is reached. This approach to modelling river plumes is diffusive and so allows drivers to wrap around headlands and islands. Raw stressor data from "Benjamin Halpern, Melanie Frazier, John Potapenko, Kenneth Casey, Kellee Koenig, et al. 2015. Cumulative human impacts: raw stressor data (2008 and 2013). Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity. doi:10.5063/F1S180FS."
EcoDRR global classification scheme based on spatial combination of ecosystem coverage and natural hazard physical exposure. The physical exposure data-set shows the product of hazard frequency and people exposed to this hazard in the same 100 square kilometer cell. For a specific natural hazard, a 0.01 degree resolution raster is generated, showing hazard annual frequency weighted with portion of pixel potentially affected. Tsunamis annual frequency is based on a model which output raster shows expected affected percentage of each pixel over a 500 years return period. Sources: The dataset includes an estimate of tsunami frequency. It is based on two sources: 1) A comprehensive list of reports and scientific papers compiled and utilized in producing tsunami hazard maps as well as finding return periods of future events. 2) Applying numerical tsunami models and zooming on selected areas. Unit is expected affected percentage of each pixel over a minimum return period of 500 years. This product was designed by International Centre for Geohazards /NGI for the Global Assessment Report on Risk Reduction (GAR). It was modeled using global data. Credit: GIS processing International Centre for Geohazards /NGI.
The remote environmental screening dataset shows the level of risk of environmental conditions associated with pollutants storage sites. It relies on a methodology developed by FAO in the toolkit “Environmental Management Tool Kit for Obsolete Pesticides” (available here: http://www.fao.org/3/i0473e/i0473e.pdf) to calculate the environmental factor (Fe) of the pollutants storage sites. The FAO methodology has been modified and adapted by UNEP/GRID Geneva to include only questions with a geographical dimension for which good quality data exist at a satisfying resolution. The outcome consists in a remote environmental screening at country level (50 meters resolution) that is calculated as followed: Score risk= (natural disasters x 10) + (human settlements x 5) + (urban areas x 5) + (public facilities x 5) + (waterbodies x 5) + (crops x 3) + (protected areas x 1) More information about the UNEP/GRID methodology available on: https://owncloud.unepgrid.ch/index.php/s/5LPUDTxUEzIFka5
Human pressures on the ocean are thought to be increasing globally, yet we know little about their patterns of cumulative change, which pressures are most responsible for change, and which places are experiencing the greatest increases. Managers and policymakers require such information to make strategic decisions and monitor progress towards management objectives. Here we calculate and map recent change over 5 years in cumulative impacts to marine ecosystems globally from fishing, climate change, and ocean- and land-based stressors. Nearly 66% of the ocean and 77% of national jurisdictions show increased human impact, driven mostly by climate change pressures. Five percent of the ocean is heavily impacted with increasing pressures, requiring management attention. Ten percent has very low impact with decreasing pressures. Our results provide large-scale guidance about where to prioritize management efforts and affirm the importance of addressing climate change to maintain and improve the condition of marine ecosystems. Halpern, B. S. et al. Spatial and temporal changes in cumulative human impacts on the world’s ocean. Nat. Commun. 6:7615 doi: 10.1038/ncomms8615 (2015).
The dataset provides the modelled total dollar value of coral reef based tourism in $USD (per km2).<br><br>For more infomration please visit <a href="http://maps.oceanwealth.org/">The Mapping Ocean Wealth Explorer</a>.<br/><br>This data is provided by <a href="www.nature.org" target="_blank">The Nature Conservancy</a><br/>"
This dataset show general agricultural suitability at a spatial resolution of 30 arc-second (~1km), considering rainfed conditions and irrigation on currently irrigated areas. The agricultural suitability represents for each pixel the maximum suitability value of considered 16 plants, including: We show a subset of the data that covers three time periods (1981-2010, 2011-2040, 2071-2100), as well as changes in agricultural suitability over the same periods.<br><br>For futher details see: <a href="http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0107522">Zabel F., Putzenlechner B., Mauser W. (2014): Global agricultural land resources – a high resolution suitability evaluation and its perspectives until 2100 under climate change conditions</a><br/><br>Data can also be downloaded from <a href="http://geoportal-glues.ufz.de/stories/globalsuitability.html">here</a>.<br/>
The remote environmental screening dataset shows the level of risk of environmental conditions associated with pollutants storage sites. It relies on a methodology developed by FAO in the toolkit “Environmental Management Tool Kit for Obsolete Pesticides” (available here: http://www.fao.org/3/i0473e/i0473e.pdf) to calculate the environmental factor (Fe) of the pollutants storage sites. The FAO methodology has been modified and adapted by UNEP/GRID Geneva to include only questions with a geographical dimension for which good quality data exist at a satisfying resolution. The outcome consists in a remote environmental screening at country level (50 meters resolution) that is calculated as followed: Score risk= (natural disasters x 10) + (human settlements x 5) + (urban areas x 5) + (public facilities x 5) + (waterbodies x 5) + (crops x 3) + (protected areas x 1) More information about the UNEP/GRID methodology available on: https://owncloud.unepgrid.ch/index.php/s/5LPUDTxUEzIFka5
Countries distinguish between metropolitan (homeland) and independent and semi-independent portions of sovereign states. If you want to see the dependent overseas regions broken out (like in ISO codes, see France for example), use map units instead. Each country is coded with a world region that roughly follows the United Nations setup. Countries are coded with standard ISO and FIPS codes. French INSEE codes are also included. Includes some thematic data from the United Nations (1), U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, and elsewhere.